
Savvy Dhir

June 14, 2022
Savvy Dhir
Master of Arts in Child Study and Education (CSE), Class of 2022

What are some words of wisdom you would give to a new or incoming student in your program?
You got this! This program is close knit and supportive. Having a positive attitude and knowing you are resilient will make your experience all that much more amazing. Every day you will learn something new and make new connections - enjoy the ride! Teaching is a learning profession, and you will learn plenty as you gain tools, resources, and strategies to support growing minds. It's important to also be kind to yourself and the process. Take time for yourself - all the tools and strategies that you are learning about, gently apply to yourself. Reach out to your fellow colleagues: chances are if you have a question, comment, or meme to share, they want to hear about it.

What next?
I hope to be part of the public school system, mainly within the TDSB. I am working towards gaining experience in Special Education and teaching ELLs. I do plan on continuing my studies and while I see a PhD in Education in the near future, it's something I'll pursue once I have some years of teaching experience under my belt. 

I was drawn to OISE’s program philosophies and inclusivity in teaching practice. When speaking to past graduates I soon learned how close knit and approachable staff, faculty and peers were. Through such a supportive experience, I feel the graduating class (and myself!) have been provided with lifelong experiences that we will be able to take with us throughout our teaching and education trajectories. The theory to practice based experience was incredibly beneficial and paired with ATs that were reflective and encouraging helped develop a deep understanding of emergent pedagogy in the 21st century, while using relevant and current research. I am proud to be graduating from the CSE Program, and to be a part of the OISE community.

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