
LLE Program Updates for CTL Newsletter

News & Updates
Language and Literacies Education (LLE) Program

LLE News & Updates: January 2025 


Research Colloquium in LLE

Research Colloquium in LLE is a required course for first-year PhD and MA students, as well as a speakers series sponsored by CERLL. The Colloquium got off to an excellent start this year with a lecture from Dr. Khawla Badwan (Manchester Metropolitan University), in which she drew on Prof. Fikile Nxumalo’s (2016) work on ‘refiguring presences’ to articulate a new paradigm for children’s sociolinguistics. The remaining lectures this winter include:

Wednesdays from 5:00pm-6:30pm in 5-280

January. 29.2025Prof. Belinda Daniels
University of Victoria, BC
Ethical Spaces of Engagement in Indigenous Language Reclamation 
February.12.2025Prof. Ji-young Shin
UofT Mississauga 
Leveraging Generative AI in Refugee ESL and Less Commonly Taught Language Education: Exploring Moderation of Proficiency and Task Difficulty
February.19.2025Prof. Jungmin Kwon
Michigan State University 
Understanding the Lives and Literacies of Immigrant Children 
February.26.2025Prof. Michael Skyer
University of Tennessee
Deaf Epistemologies and the Deaf Biosocial Condition 
March.5.2025Prof. Marika Kunnas
University of British Columbia
Challenging Whiteness as a Legitimizing Force in Additional Language Education
March.19.2025Prof. Shireen Al-Adeimi 
Michigan State
Addressing Imperial Evasion: Toward an Anti-imperialist Pedagogy in Teacher Education

Please contact Prof. Jeff Bale (jeff.bale@utoronto.ca) for a zoom link or for more information.

New Pathway to TESL Ontario Certification

The LLE program is in the final stages of curriculum innovation to add an optional pathway in the MEd program that qualifies successful graduates to apply for certification with TESL Ontario. TESL Ontario certification is required for almost all teaching positions in adult English-language programs in the province, and it is recognized across Canada. Once the governance and accreditation processes are complete, we can begin advertising this new opportunity and welcome our first cohort of students in Fall 2026.