
Appointment of Chair of the Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education

OISE Dean, Erica N. Walker
OISE Community
Appointment of Chair of the Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education

Dear OISE Community,

I am delighted to announce the appointment of Professor Marcelo Vieta as Chair of the Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education for the period July 1, 2025 to June 30, 2027, following his appointment as Interim Chair which ends on June 30, 2025. I would like to thank the members of the advisory committee for their important work in selecting a new Chair.

Marcelo is an Associate Professor in the Adult Education and Community Development (AECD) Program, and has served as Interim Chair of LHAE since September 1, 2024. His record of leadership at OISE and LHAE also includes service as the Director (2022-2024) and Co-Director (2021-22; 2024-present) of the Centre for Learning, Social Economy & Work (which he co-founded in 2014), Program Coordinator of the AECD Program (2023-24), and Director of the Collaborative Specialization in Workplace Learning and Social Change (2022-2024).

Marcelo’s research and teaching are informed by the sociology of work, critical theory, class-struggle Marxism, the philosophy of technology, the community economies approach, and other radical traditions. Marcelo’s work explores how more cooperation, solidarity, and democracy may be fostered in the workplace and the community, and how people learn collectively in and out of struggle, at the workplace, in the community, and in social movements. He is the author of Workers’ Self-Management in Argentina: Contesting Neo-liberalism by Occupying Companies, Creating Cooperatives, and Recuperating Autogestion (Brill Academic Publishers, 2020) and co-author of Cooperatives at Work (Emerald Publishing, 2023), the latter of which won the 2023 Joyce Rothschild Book Prize.

I am thrilled that Professor Vieta will continue to lead LHAE and contribute to OISE as a member of its senior leadership team. Please join me in congratulating Marcelo on his appointment as LHAE Chair!

Warm regards,




Professor and Dean