Presented by Kerry McCuaig, Atkinson Centre, OISE/UT.
Presented at Early Childhood Instrument (EDI): From Data to Action event on February 1, 2013.
This one-day event provided an opportunity to share experiences and plans on how to optimize the dissemination and use of early childhood development data to promote change and action.
The objectives were: To increase our knowledge of the related scope, limits and opportunities in order to enhance use of early childhood development data by a range of stakeholders: the general public, local groups and coalitions, advocates, regional, provincial and national decision-makers and the media. To share examples of effective use of early childhood indicators that led to action and change. To explore how early childhood indicators can be used in conjunction with other sources of data to mobilize stakeholders around planning (situational and needs analysis, priority-setting), implementation and action, as well as monitoring and evaluation.