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May 10, 2023

Excerpt: "Today, the Honourable Ginette Petitpas Taylor, Minister of Official Languages and Minister responsible for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, announced more than $2 million in funding to Voilà Community Help for two projects that use metaverse technology to support French-language teaching. Minister Petitpas Taylor was joined by Arielle Kayabaga, Member of Parliament (London West). Thanks to this innovative investment, the organization has created Artificial Intelligence for Official Languages, a project conducted in partnership with more than 35 school boards. The project aims to optimize Voilà Learning, an engaging interactive virtual platform that allows students to improve their language skills while having fun. Students on Voilà Learning’s virtual campus can interact with each other, do homework, write on a board, create videos, interact with facilitators, and get help from qualified teachers."
NAISA Pre-conference panel
May 10, 2023

The pre-conference theme is a student-led response to the themes of scholar Dr. Eve Tuck's short essay that asks, "What is your Theory of Change These Days?"
May 9, 2023

Meet OISE alum Ellen Sue Mesbur who's leading change in social work education, improving student access, and consulting at the Jewish Family and Child Services.
May 5, 2023

Amendments to legislation help GNWT build an affordable early learning and child care system

Excerpt: "Amendments to the Child Day Care Act and the Early Learning and Child Care Standards Regulations, and new Early Learning and Child Care Funding Regulations came into force on May 1, 2023.
The updated and new regulations: Establish maximum fees for newly licensed early learning and child care programs that are consistent with the rates in place since the roll-out of the Child Care Fee Reduction (CCFR) Subsidy; Streamline how the GNWT delivers CCFR Subsidy funding to licensed programs to reduce administrative burden on program operators; Increase reporting measures to improve transparency and accountability by requiring the GNWT to produce annual reports; Update language for consistency and clarity; for example, ‘early learning and child care facility’ will replace ‘child day care facility’ throughout."
May 4, 2023

The Atkinson Centre promotes research on child development, and the development of early learning policy and practice that serve young children and their families.
May 4, 2023

Excerpt: "The Government of Canada is committed to improving the health and mental wellbeing of children and youth in Canada. Early childhood experiences influence a child’s mental health for life—and with 70% of mental health and substance use problems having origins in childhood, understanding how to better identify and treat young children at risk of developing or living with a mental health issue is crucial. Today, the Honourable Carolyn Bennett, Minister of Mental Health and Addictions and Associate Minister of Health, announced an investment of $6.5 million over five years for six projects funded through the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Mental Health in the Early Years (MHITEY) initiative."