
Explore Upcoming Events


Engaging in Critical Research: Is It For Me? Led by Professor Ann Lopez
Black Faculty-Student Research GatheringEngaging in Critical Research: Is it for me?
Led by Professor Ann Lopez, this session will explore what it means to engage in critical research and impact on students' educational journey and research choices.
CBSE - Room 225, 2nd Floor
Centre for Black Studies in Education
Black Researcher & Author Speaker Series
Please save the date for CBSE's Black Researcher & Author Speaker Series.
Centre for Black Studies in Education
Black Researcher & Author Speaker Series
Please save the date for CBSE's Black Researcher & Author Speaker Series.
Option B
Black Faculty-Student Research GatheringNovember - Black Faculty-Student Research Gathering
The CBSE Student Faculty Research Gathering is a monthly session that is open to all graduate students from all departments, is focused on building the capacity of students to conduct research and do publications and is facilitated by faculty members.
CBSE - Room 225, 2nd Floor
Option B
Black Faculty-Student Research GatheringDecember - Black Faculty-Student Research Gathering
The CBSE Student Faculty Research Gathering is a monthly session that is open to all graduate students from all departments, is focused on building the capacity of students to conduct research and do publications and is facilitated by faculty members.
CBSE - Room 225, 2nd Floor