Shawna-Kaye Tucker

University of Toronto
Date: January 16, 2023
Title: Writing Development in Creole Contexts: A Study of Primary School Students, Teachers, and Contextual Factors

Max Antony-Newman

Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom
Date: January 23, 2023
Title: An asset-based approach to immigrant parents: From plurilingual parenting to curriculum orientations

Gary Fogal

Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan
Date: January 30, 2023
Title: Investigating school-based L2 learning: Mapping out the educational landscape

Zhaozhe Wang

OISE, University of Toronto
Date: February 06, 2023
Title: International Multilingual Writers’ Literacy Practices of Difference and Ecological Affordances

Peter MacIntyre

Cape Breton University
Date: February 13, 2023
Title: Dynamics of Emotions in L2 (or L3) Communication

Angelica Galante

McGill University, Montreal
Date: February 27, 2023
Title: “It’s not about allowing other languages. It’s a basic human right”: Teachers’ and students’ perceptions of plurilingual pedagogies in Canada and Brazil

Sunny Man Chu Lau

Bishop’s University, Sherbrooke
Date: March 06, 2023
Title: Integrated plurilingual teaching and learning for critical literacies and intercultural education

M. Carmen Fonseca Mora

Universidad de Huelva, Spain
Date: March 20, 2023
Title: Musical aptitude and foreign language learning

Jim Slotta

OISE, University of Toronto
Date: March 27, 2023
Title: Knowledge, Community and Inquiry: A model for collective inquiry in technology-enhanced classrooms