
News & Stories: In Memoriam

December 10, 2023

Cherished LHAE alum Professor Srabani Maitra passed away unexpectedly after a brief illness. She completed her PhD in Adult Education and Community Development at OISE and was Professor in Sociology of Adult and Vocational Education at the University of Glasgow. An enthusiastic member of OISE's global alumni community, Srabani will be deeply missed.
January 1, 2025

Whether you met Rosalia (Lia) Messina, beloved sister to JICS Principal Richard Messina, recently or have known her all your life, you were instantly touched by her joie de vivre and vibrant spirit. She had an uncanny ability to make everyone feel better, leaving an indelible mark on all who knew her. Read more about Lia's beautiful life.
May 21, 2024

OISE alumni leader Tracey King (Linklater), Miigis Kwe (Little Shell Woman), crossed over to the Spirit World on May 21, 2024. She passed peacefully with her son Lucas by her side. Read about Tracey's immense impact in education.
October 13, 2024

Ruth was a professor at OISE since 1980 and retired in 2001 as a tenured Full Professor in Sociology and Equity Studies in Education with a cross appointment to Theory and Policy Studies. Ruth was the latest passing in a line of major path breaking Canadian feminist scholars who put OISE on the map and influenced generations of younger academics and activists. The list includes Margrit Eichler, Roxana Ng, Alison Prentice, Mary O'Brien, Dorothy Smith, Jeri Dawn Wine, and now Ruth.
March 26, 2024

Anne dedicated an incredible 23 years to the JICS Lab School, teaching Grade 4 and 5/6. Known for her unwavering commitment, Anne forged deep connections with her students, extending well beyond their graduation. Anne's celebration of life will take place on June 9, 2024.
March 25, 2024

Dr. Floyd G. Robinson was the founding head of the Department of Applied Psychology at OISE in 1965 and was a professor of the Institute for more than 25 years.
December 12, 2017

Bruce McFarlane, Alumnus

Bruce was an incredibly positive and outgoing force. He had an unquenchable enthusiasm and great zest for life.
September 6, 2015

Dr. Thomas Mark Turay, Alumnus, MA '96, PhD '01

The primary focus of Dr. Turay's work was in the areas of peacebuilding, human rights, advocacy, development education, peace education, and indigenous African knowledge systems.
June 5, 2017

Richard Potwarka, Alumnus, MEd

After graduating from Wilfrid Laurier University with a degree in philosophy, Richard might have been scrambling to come up with a practical career goal, but teaching, well that wasn't an option.