
Latest News & Stories


January 11, 2016

Excerpt: "Jean-Yves Duclos, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development and Saskatchewan Health Minister Dustin Duncan, today announced the Bundled Birth Service which will give Saskatchewan parents the option to apply for a Social Insurance Number (SIN) and Canada child benefits for their newborn at the same time that they register their child’s birth."
January 8, 2016

A Starting Point for Discussions on a New Federal/Provincial/Territorial Early Childhood Agreement

Excerpt: "The success of f/p/t early childhood agreements are traditionally measured by the counting of new child care spaces or the size of financial transfers per child. These are inadequate measures, which on their own do not improve child outcomes. Can the pending talks open a new dialogue, informed by the best research, and centred around the best interests of young children? Can these discussions be a catalyst for turning provincial/territorial service patchworks into effective early childhood systems which finally tackle access and quality challenges while addressing the educational inequities children experience, especially those of Aboriginal heritage?"
December 7, 2015

Excerpt: "An innovative, made-in-B.C. autism research project will explore the benefits of parent coaching intervention for infants and toddlers who show early signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

The project – made possible by more than $3 million in one-time government funding – was spurred by other studies linking early infant-toddler interventions to better developmental outcomes in children with ASD and in children who display early warning signs of ASD."
November 30, 2015

Excerpt: "Those involved in providing services to children and youth also have compelling reasons for understanding how children and youth are doing now and, when possible, how they are faring compared with the past. This information can help direct public resources to where they are most needed."
November 30, 2015

Minister of Families, Children and Social Development Mandate Letter

Excerpt: "We made a commitment to invest in growing our economy, strengthening the middle class, and helping those working hard to join it. We committed to provide more direct help to those who need it by giving less to those who do not. We committed to public investment as the best way to spur economic growth, job creation, and broad­ based prosperity. We committed to a responsible, transparent fiscal plan for challenging economic times."
November 30, 2015

Excerpt: "New Brunswick’s approach to child rights enforcement is innovative in how it blends children’s rights and wellbeing. It is an approach inspired by the dominant discourses of our time: a) we follow UNICEF and the UNCRC’s child rights-based approach to policy-making4; and b) we combine it with the World Health Organization’s social determinants of health agenda5. Meaningful child rights enforcement is not merely a matter of good process, good laws, accessible remedies and educational efforts. The enjoyment of rights also has to be a demonstrably lived experience. Outcome indicators are the real evidence as to whether a child rights agenda has been meaningfully implemented."
November 30, 2015

PEI Learning Partners Advisory Council

Excerpt: "Learning is a life-long endeavour. The Learning Partners Advisory Council will help shape a culture of learning on PEI to advance the prosperity and quality of life of all Islanders. This council will advise the Premier on policies, programs and strategies needed to support learners throughout their lives.."
November 29, 2015

Learning as a Pillar to Prosperity

Excerpt: "A vision to deliver the highest possible quality of education to our students will engage Islanders in all aspects of learning to ensure students, parents, teachers, principals and government are working together on achieving the same goal, excellence in learning."
November 24, 2015

Modernizing the early years. Findings from research & practice (PDF)

Presented by Kerry McCuaig, Atkinson Centre Fellow In Early Childhood Policy; and Jane Bertrand, Adjunct Faculty OISE, and Program Director, Margaret and Wallace McCain Family Foundation, November 2015, to the Office of the Early Years, Victoria, British Columbia.
November 16, 2015

Excerpt: "We want to make sure every family can find high-quality, affordable child care. We are announcing an ambitious goal: we will create a universally accessible child care system with 12,000 additional spaces for families, and expand Manitobaʼs workforce of early childhood educators with our partners, such as Red River College and Université de Saint-Boniface. We will be expanding child care centres into new housing developments as well as schools, colleges and universities. Every family who needs child care should have access to an affordable space."
November 15, 2015

Child Care in New Brunswick: The Social & Economic Impacts

Excerpt: "This study was commissioned by the New Brunswick Department of Education and Early Childhood Development to support the work of its Child Care Taskforce. The authors were asked to develop a cost benefit analysis of the potential social and economic impacts of public spending on child care in the province. They were also asked to provide recommendations on child care service delivery based on best practices in other Canadian jurisdictions."