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May 14, 2014

Excerpt: "On May 2, 2014, the Federal Court of Appeal unanimously upheld the findings of the Federal Court concerning an employer's obligation to provide workplace accommodation for an employee's childcare needs in Canada (Attorney General) v. Johnstone, a case that has garnered significant media attention. As the first decision from an appellate-level court on this issue in more than a decade, this ruling serves as the most authoritative statement to date on a difficult issue that has generated a lot of uncertainty for workplace participants."
May 13, 2014

Kindergarten teachers receive Bachelor of Education degrees

Excerpt: "Last weekend, 83 kindergarten teachers graduated with their Bachelor of Education degree, which was an important milestone in the successful transition to a public full-day kindergarten program in our Island school system, says Education and Early Childhood Development Minister Alan McIsaac."
May 1, 2014

Excerpt: "The Government of Manitoba is launching a new five-year plan to create more high-quality child care for families across the province including investing in 5,000 more child-care spaces and another 20 new or expanded child-care centres, Family Services Minister Kerri Irvin-Ross announced today."
April 30, 2014

Achieving Excellence: A Renewed Vision for Education in Ontario

Excerpt: "As child care, early learning and the education system become increasingly integrated, more children will benefit from a stronger start in life. Family support programs offer a wide range of opportunities that promote healthy child development, foster children’s early learning through play, and support parents and families in their role as primary caregivers. The work that has already been done to create healthy, safer schools and to support the mental and physical health of children and youth provides an excellent blueprint for how we must work together in the future. This renewed vision must ensure that we build on the momentum we’ve achieved and equip our children and students with the skills they need to seize opportunities and overcome obstacles."
April 30, 2014

Excerpt: "This statement by the Infant Feeding Joint Working Group provides health professionals with evidence-informed principles and recommendations. Provinces, territories, and health organizations can use it as a basis for developing practical feeding guidelines for parents and caregivers in Canada."
April 30, 2014

2014 - How Does Learning Happen? Ontario's Pedagogy for the Early Years

Excerpt: "How Does Learning Happen? is a professional learning resource developed to support Ontario’s renewed vision for the early years. It highlights the importance of strong leadership and collaborative practice across child care and child and family support programs. This approach will help to move us towards increasingly integrated services and programs for children and families in Ontario. This document will also inspire critical reflection with a focus on children’s learning, development, health and well-being. It articulates a view of children, families and educators as competent, capable and rich in potential. This will help transform practices in early years setting."
April 25, 2014

"The Nova Scotia Child Benefit income threshold will rise from $25,000 to $26,000 on July 1, bringing about 1,300 more children under the program's umbrella. Other families already in the program will get a modest improvement, on a graduated scale. Families with incomes between $18,000 and $26,000 qualify for partial benefits, and will receive average increases of $40 a year for one-child families, $100 a year for two-child families and $160 a year for families with three children. This will affect about 10,000 children already covered."
April 23, 2014

Issues That Matter - A caution about wage subsidies

Excerpt: "A number of jurisdictions are raising the salaries of Early Childhood Educators this year but all allocate more funding to qualified staff as a way to build a professional workforce. Ontario’s announcement doesn’t appear to include this differential. At $2 an hour over two years, Ontario’s raise is comparable to adjustments in Quebec, PEI and Newfoundland but less than the $6/hour going to trained ECEs in the NWT."
April 22, 2014

Province Increasing Ontario Child Benefit, Improving the Quality of Child Care.
April 15, 2014

The well-being of children and families in Yukon is the focus of a new plan issued today by Minister of Health and Social Services Doug Graham. On the Path Together: Wellness Plan for Yukon’s Children and Families provides evidence-based strategies for improving the health and well-being of children and youth that will be used to help plan and set priorities and provide practical information on healthy living. The plan sets out three pathways to improve wellness: Giving kids a good start in life (0-5 years); Raising kids who flourish (6–19 years); Healthy living for all.
April 9, 2014

In addition to funding for full-day Kindergarten, at a cost of $30.6 million over three years, Budget 2014: Shared Prosperity, Fair Society, Balanced Outlook includes $4.8 million for the continuation of early learning initiatives aimed specifically at infants and toddlers.