
Latest News & Stories


January 1, 2024

The Early Childhood Educators Human Resources Council is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to increasing recruitment to the Early Learning and Child Care (ELCC) workforce and improving retention of qualified early childhood educators by addressing identified human resource issues.
January 1, 2024

The Association of Early Childhood Educators of Ontario is a professional association for ECEs who advocate for respect, recognition, and appropriate wages & working conditions for all ECEs.
January 1, 2024

The Coalition of Child Care Advocates of BC (CCCABC) is an inclusive, feminist, membership-based organization. They are comprised of individuals and groups including parents, grandparents, child care providers, community organizations, academics and unions. They work collectively, using research, public education and mobilization, to achieve our vision of a high-quality, affordable, accessible child care system that serves the public interest.
January 1, 2024

The Early Childhood Development Association of PEI is a provincial, non-profit organization committed to promoting and supporting quality early childhood development programs and services for their Island’s children & families. Their mission: All Island children between infancy and five (5) years of age will have access to a sustainable Provincial Early Childhood Education system that is available, affordable, and of high quality.
January 1, 2024

The Manitoba Child Care Association (MCCA) is a non-profit, membership-funded, non-partisan organization. Their mission is to advocate for a quality system of child care, to advance early learning and child care education as a profession, and provide services to their members. MCCA’s vision is to promote and support an exceptional early learning and child care system by fueling their members to be proud and excited to belong to a progressive, respected profession.
January 1, 2024

AECENL is the professional organization for those with qualifications in early childhood education or working in child care or related fields.
December 20, 2023

Excerpt: "ECEs working in provincially licensed and funded child-care centres and family home agencies will receive hourly wage increases ranging from about $3.14 to $4.24. All employees will be included in a comprehensive group benefits and pension plan. The wage increase will be for ECEs – including those working as inclusion co-ordinators – assistant directors, directors and family home consultants. Based on education and experience, wages range from $22.91 to $28.78 per hour for ECEs Level 1, 2 and 3, and up to $34.54 for ECEs in leadership roles. Group benefits will be provided by the non-profit Health Association Nova Scotia and a modern defined-benefit pension through CAAT Pension Plan, also a non-profit."
December 15, 2023

Excerpt: "Beginning January 1, 2024, child care fees across Prince Edward Island will drop to $10-a-day for all Island children attending Early Years Centres (EYCs) and licensed Family Home Centres (FHCs). Under the Canada-Prince Edward Island Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement, the governments of Canada and Prince Edward Island committed to bringing the average fees for regulated child care to $10-a-day per child. To ensure affordability and equity across the province, PEI will be exceeding this commitment by investing additional dollars to make $10-a-day the standard child care fee at all EYCs and licensed FHCs in the province, and achieve this milestone ahead of the national target. Provincial subsidy and support programs will continue, covering fees for many Island families."
December 15, 2023

Happy Holidays from Dean Erica Walker

As we bid farewell to this year, I am filled with gratitude reflecting on my first year as Dean. Getting to know the OISE community has been an incredible journey, and each day, I am amazed by the collective brilliance and passion that defines us.