
Trip to Art Museum @ Hart House

Academic Social Club

Trees at the University of Toronto along a walkway.

Meet outside the OISE Library at 1:30 to walk to Hart House.
Hart House
Toronto ON

Hosted by: Jenna Maingot & Rebecca Star, Academic Social Club Coordinators, ROSE | OISE

Come with us to visit the Art Museum at Hart House. Admission is free! 

The current exhibit is Indiscernible thresholds, escaped veillances, features works by Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley,
Lucas LaRochelle, Joshua Schwebel, Chelsea Thompto, and Lan “Florence” Yee. The work presented explores the roles of absence and opacity in rendering trans and queer lives and archives. 

Meet us outside the OISE Library at 1:30 pm and we will travel to the Art Museum together.

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