
Office of the Associate Dean

Message from the Associate Dean, Research, International and Innovation

The Office of the Associate Dean, Research, International, and Innovation (ADRII) supports excellence and innovation in research and knowledge mobilization at OISE, the largest faculty of Education in Canada. We are proud of the depth, breadth, and diversity of the research undertaken by OISE faculty members, who continue to impact our communities as producers, mobilizers, translators, and users of research evidence.

Our office is part of a large university research support network, working collaboratively with the University’s Research Services and OISE's four departments. We act as a liaison between the daily work in the departments and the University of Toronto Office of the Vice President Research & Innovation. 

We provide specialized research administrative knowledge and guidance, with a pre-award focus; build capacity for departments and researchers; connect OISE with institution-level supports; and gather and communicate information on OISE’s research activities. We encourage the creation of research, foster high quality research, promote and recognize research excellence, maximize the benefits of OISE research to local, national, and international academic and non-academic communities, and facilitate connections among researchers at OISE and with research partners. 

I look forward to continuing to foster our vibrant research community and supporting and championing innovative and impactful OISE research initiatives.

- Professor Michele Peterson-Badali

Michele Peterson-Badali

About the Associate Dean

is a professor in the Department of Applied Psychology and Human Development, and OISE’s Associate Dean, Research, International & Innovation. She has taught in the areas of professional psychology ethics, child psychological assessment, and children and the law. Her research focuses on children’s and adolescents’ knowledge, reasoning, perceptions, and experiences of the youth justice system, their understanding of rights, and their evolving legal capacities. Her work has been supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Canada's Department of Justice, the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General, and the Office of the Ontario Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth. In addition to scholarly dissemination of her work, Dr. Peterson-Badali is actively engaged in bringing her research findings into the spheres of public policy and practice; she has conducted research and provided policy consultation for Canada's Department of Justice, provided consultation and training to various youth courts and probation offices, and served as an expert witness for the Ontario Advocate for Children and Youth.

What we do

Support faculty to establish their program of research

  • Hold individual meetings to identify relevant funding opportunities and assistance to devise plan for research program.
  • Offer capacity-building workshops (e.g., building 1-3-5-year research plans, developing research partnerships).
  • Host physical and/or virtual networking events with colleagues across OISE to forge connections and collaborations.

Support application to early career-targeted funding opportunities

  • UofT Connaught New Researcher Award, an award that helps new University of Toronto tenure stream faculty members establish competitive research programs.
  • Ontario Early Researcher Award,  which helps recently-appointed Ontario researchers build their research teams. 
  • Relevant Tri-Council opportunities (e.g., SSHRC Insight Development Grant).

Support faculty research proposals

  • Provide workshops and information sessions on research funding, proposal writing and research management. 
  • Offer consultation services and faculty mentoring (esp. early-career researchers), including guidance on application processes and queries to funders.
  • Coordinate internal and external review of proposals – peer review, budget review and where budget permits, external editing and support navigating online systems. 
  • Provide regular funding alerts to faculty on new opportunities.
  • Provide a suite of online resources via SharePoint to support researchers (proposal tips, budget and proposal exemplars). 
  • Support and extend non-tri-council opportunities for research funding, including sponsored and commissioned research contracts.
  • Offer direct support to large-scale initiatives (e.g., Partnership grants) and provide matching funds to large grants on a case-by-case basis as available. 
  • Support the development of Awards and Honours applications.
  • Support knowledge mobilization of faculty research.

Who we are

Michele Peterson-Badali

Associate Dean, Research, International and Innovation

Lara Cartmale

Director, Research and International Initiatives

Olesya Falenchuk

Research Systems Analyst

Brian Kalakula

Research Partnerships Development Officer

Madeleine Taylor

Strategic Research Development Officer

Lisa Smith

Contracts and Information Officer