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October 18, 2024

Excerpt: "This agreement, made possible by the federal government’s $1 billion National School Food Program, will enhance and expand Manitoba’s existing school food programs to provide meals to about 19,080 more kids every year, starting this school year. Manitoba is the second province, after Newfoundland and Labrador, to sign an agreement with the federal government for the new National School Food Program. Today’s agreement includes an initial federal investment of approximately $17.2 million over the next three years to ensure more kids get the nutritious food they need to thrive."
October 17, 2024

Best Practices in ECE Development: Tracking changes in the ECE delivery. The UK model

Best Practices in ECE Development: In this series, early childhood officials from various provinces shared promising initiatives aimed at supporting the early childhood education workforce and expanding access to child care.

Tracking changes in the ECE delivery. The UK model
Kerry McCuaig, Fellow in Early Childhood Policy, Atkinson Centre/OISE.

An overview of how the UK provides annual updates on ECE access and workforce changes.
October 17, 2024

Spotlight of the week: Outdated and Unpatched Devices Risk

Devices that are end of life, aka no longer supported by the manufacturer or service providers, no longer receive firmware updates and therefore are not suitable for current times where vulnerabilities can be exploited without necessary security updates.
October 17, 2024

October 17, 2024

Best Practices in ECE Development: Tracking changes in the ECE delivery. The UK model

Best Practices in ECE Development: In this series, early childhood officials from various provinces shared promising initiatives aimed at supporting the early childhood education workforce and expanding access to child care.

Tracking changes in the ECE delivery. The UK model
Kerry McCuaig, Fellow in Early Childhood Policy, Atkinson Centre/OISE.
October 16, 2024

RÉDUIRE LES EXIGENCES_Comment la réduction des qualifications des éducateurs de la petite enfance menace la qualité des services de garde

Excerpt: "La penurie d'educateurs de la petite enfance (EPE) qualifies a freine les efforts d'expansion des places dans le cadre du systeme pancanadien d'apprentissage de la petite enfance et de garde des jeunes enfants (système d'AGJE). Cette pénurie d'educateurs a incite certains decideurs politiques de l'Ontario a chercher des raccourcis, notamment a remettre en question la necessite d'un diplôme de deux ans pour être admissible comme educateur de la petite enfance. La reduction des qualifications des éducateurs ou d'autres stratégies de déqualification, comme l'augmentation des ratios, ne sont pas des solutions."
October 16, 2024

Lowering the Bar: How Reducing Early Childhood Educator Qualifications Threatens Child Care Quality

The shortage of qualified early childhood educators (ECEs) has stifled space expansion efforts under the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) plan. This scarcity of educators has caused some Ontario policymakers to look for shortcuts, including questioning the need for a two-year diploma to qualify as an ECE. Reducing educator qualifications or other de-qualification strategies, such as increasing ratios, are not solutions. ECEs are critical to positive child and family outcomes and are the foundation of a high-quality early learning and child care system.
October 16, 2024

Lowering the Bar: How Reducing Early Childhood Educator Qualifications Threatens Child Care Quality

Excerpt: "The shortage of qualified early childhood educators (ECEs) has stifled space expansion efforts under the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) plan. This scarcity of educators has caused some Ontario policymakers to look for shortcuts, including questioning the need for a two-year diploma to qualify as an ECE. Reducing educator qualifications or other de-qualification strategies, such as increasing ratios, are not solutions. ECEs are critical to positive child and family outcomes and are the foundation of a high-quality early learning and child care system."
October 16, 2024

RÉDUIRE LES EXIGENCES_Comment la réduction des qualifications des éducateurs de la petite enfance menace la qualité des services de garde

Excerpt: "La penurie d'educateurs de la petite enfance (EPE) qualifies a freine les efforts d'expansion des places dans le cadre du systeme pancanadien d'apprentissage de la petite enfance et de garde des jeunes enfants (système d'AGJE). Cette pénurie d'educateurs a incite certains decideurs politiques de l'Ontario a chercher des raccourcis, notamment a remettre en question la necessite d'un diplôme de deux ans pour être admissible comme educateur de la petite enfance. La reduction des qualifications des éducateurs ou d'autres stratégies de déqualification, comme l'augmentation des ratios, ne sont pas des solutions."
October 15, 2024

Excerpt: "The project, Anishnawbek Cultural Values and Well-being Based Early Childhood Development, will work to engage children in the community to learn Anishnawbek culture, laws, language and traditions from Elders and traditional knowledge keepers as part of their early childhood development. Moreover, it will advance the vision and goals of the Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care Framework by: developing a vision or framework for a high-quality, culturally appropriate early learning and child care system in an Indigenous context; building and strengthening local Indigenous early learning and child care licensing rules and procedures; supporting ongoing education and training for Indigenous early learning and child care leaders, management and staff; and/or creating new tools, curriculum or training to support Indigenous early learning and child care staff working with children with special needs."