Poster presented by Emis Akbari, Post Doctoral Fellow, Atkinson Centre, June 18-21, 2015, Canadian Federation for University Women (CFUW), Annual General Meeting, Quebec City, Quebec.
Presented by Janette Pelletier, Ph.D., and Carl Corter, Ph.D., Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study, OISE, September 8, 2015, EECERA Annual Conference: Innovation, Experimentation & Adventure in Early Childhood.
Presented by Kerry McCuaig, Atkinson Centre Fellow In Early Childhood Policy; Zeenat Janmohamed, Visiting Scholar; and Romona Gananathan, Ph.D. Candidate, OISE, September 8, 2015, EECERA Annual Conference: Innovation, Experimentation & Adventure in Early Childhood.
Presented by Kerry McCuaig, Atkinson Centre Fellow In Early Childhood Policy; and Jane Bertrand, Adjunct Faculty OISE, and Program Director, Margaret and Wallace McCain Family Foundation, November 2015, to the Office of the Early Years, Victoria, British Columbia.
Presented by Francesca Dobbin, Director, University of Toronto Family Programs & Services Division of Human Resources & Equity; Patricia Chorney Rubin, Director, George Brown College School of Early Childhood; Bernice Cipparrone McLeod, Atkinson Centre Executive Director; Kerry McCuaig, Atkinson Centre Fellow In Early Childhood Policy, March 16, 2016, to the Early Learning Division, Ministry of Education, Ontario.
Presented by Bernice Cipparrone McLeod, Atkinson Centre Executive Director; Safra Najeemudeen, RECE, MA in Early Childhood Education Candidate Ryerson University, Atkinson Intern, April 2, 2016.
Presented at the Early Learning and Child Care Conference, Conestoga College.
Presented by Hon. Margaret Norrie McCain, Chair, Margaret and Wallace McCain Family Foundation, June 7, 2016.
Presented at the Ensemble for Education - 1st Early Childhood Education Action Congress, Paris, France.
Presented by Kerry McCuaig, Atkinson Centre Fellow In Early Childhood Policy, June 9, 2016, at the 19th OECD Network on Early Childhood Education and Care.